Monday, November 10, 2008

Anthropology section in the SMITH magazine.

Hi to all,
As the new editor for the Anthropology section for the SMITHS magazine I would like to invite you all for a chance to shine.

We would like to give you all the opportunity to show the rest of Goldsmiths what you truly think, believe, and how you feel. Perhaps this could be a chance to get your work out there for others beyond the anthropology department to view. If it matters to you, it will matter to the rest.

What we are particularly looking for, are articles, from which your inspiration will exude. We want the people to know what anthropology has to offer them.

The anthropology section is a unique place for all, whether you’re a first year student, a student doing their PHD or even if you’re not a part of the Anthropology department; it’s a place to give a piece of yourself.

As anthropology has such a diverse range of topics, anything is possible. Remember pictures also speak a thousand words and as our department deals with the visual side of anthropology don’t be afraid to explore that side either.

This magazine is about you, the people. There’s no hidden agenda.

If you have anything you would like to write about, comment on or something you just want to say then please don’t hesitate to e-mail me on

Looking forward to hearing from you all,

Madalena Pantazis =)

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