Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Festival Programme - Call for Articles


Festival Programme – Call for Articles

What is the Use of Ethnographic Film?

Deadline for Abstract: October 17

Deadline for Article: October 27

ISEFF08 is an international student ethnographic film festival organised by the Anthropology Society, to be held in Goldsmiths on 11 and12 November 2008. We are currently calling for articles in response to the question ‘What is the Use of Ethnographic Film?’

Accepted short articles shall be published in the festival programme and offer an interesting short format for academic students to experiment with. Articles must be less than 2,000 words and can be as short as you wish. The content of the article must address our festival thematics ‘aesthetics of encounter’ or ‘Anthropology as a service’ for more information please see our website (below).

Please submit an abstract/proposal by the given deadline to iseff@rocketmail.com

Many thanks,

The Anthropology Society

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